
The Alliance Chair and Vice Chair

Jennifer Twist , Chief Officer of Care for the Carers is Chair of the Alliance. Jennifer brings over 16 years of experience of speaking up with, and for, carers to achieve strategic change, and has over a decade of experience as a VCSE representative on many strategic Boards with the NHS, local authorities and cross sector partnerships.

Steve Hare, Chief Executive of Age UK East Sussex is Vice Chair of the Alliance. Steve is a committed champion for the VCSE sector, with over 30 years experience as a strategically important voice for local people and communities and for its demonstration of generous leadership and collaborative working principles.
Alliance Hosting organisation and support team
East Sussex Community Voice hosts the Alliance – CEO Veronica Kirwan, has extensive experience of working at a senior level across public, private and voluntary sectors. With a focus on establishing cross-sector partnerships to deliver maximum impact for local communities, working on a range of community, regeneration and economic inclusion programmes.
The Alliance Development Officer manages the day-to-day coordination of the Alliance – Anna McCollin-Moore previously supported an Alliance of coastal local authorities whose aim was to boost coastal productivity, and managed a handyman service enabling people to remain living safely and independently in their own homes.
The Administrative and Project Support Officer provides further support – Sara Hinchliffe has an extensive background managing business administration across a range of projects within a university setting, has worked as a support worker and undertaken several voluntary roles within the community.